Here in Florida we are in the gooey thick of Summer. What does that mean? Humidity to melt your face, thunderstorms to blow your face off, and sunshine to give it a nice glossy tan. What is a great way to pass the time while all this happens to your face? Reading! Here is part of my Summer reading collection that can be read on the beach, in the kitchen, or in your kitchen on the beach….
Mainlines, Blood Feasts, and Bad Taste: A Lester Bangs Reader – Ever since Phillip Seymour Hoffman played him in the iconic movie, Almost Famous, I have been fascinated by Lester’s musings on life.
Luther’s Small Catechism – I’m rediscovering my Lutheran roots after joining a Presbyterian church. Shhhh. Don’t tell the Lutherans. Actually, the 2 churches share many of the same practices and traditions.
Physics for Dummies – Totally inspired by the TV show, The Big Bang Theory. I never took Physics in school so this is a whole new, nerdy world for this theater/history/music guy. Here is Physics at work!
Red: My Uncensored Life in Rock by Sammy Hagar – Whoa Sammy! HUGE voice. He LOVES this workout. The book is just getting into his Montrose years. I LOVE rock autobiographies!! I read The Dirt 14.3 times.
Tattoos & Tequila by Vince Neil – From the blond frontman of my favorite rock & workout band, Motley Crue! Did you know that Vince is half Spanish? Interesting! Or as he would say, YYYEAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Idiot’s Guide to American Government – I love Idiot’s Guides! Does that make me an idiot? Maybe, but i’m an idiot who is well versed on the 3 branches of government, Federalists, and the Electoral College. Take that!!!
Magazines: Entertainment Weekly, The Weekly Standard, S.I., Model Railroader (LOVE trains!), Pilates Style, Men’s Health, and my vast Mad Magazine archive.
What’s on YOUR Summer reading list? Are we reading any of the same books?

Sean Vigue
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