It was a big week. After much deliberation, hem-hawing, sighing, pacing, and general milling about, I have bid a fond farewell to using CD’s in my classes and plunged headfirst into the world of iPods with little speakers that deliver amazing sound. Most people have now decided to tell me that I am “officially” leaving the stone-age and I tell them that CD’s are not made of stone but…something else. Have to go to Wikipedia for that answer. What do I think? The sound is clearer, the mixes are super easy to make, and the orange color is just really pretty. The mixes are even MORE ecletic now – swinging from 10,000 Maniacs to Aerosmith and around to Japanese metal band, Loudness! It is our On the Road/Jack Kerouac soundtrack as we travel our mats in search of the perfect exercise.
So, in closing, Depeche Mode sounded great on a CD, but it sounds really great on the iPod. With the new tech I can say “really” a lot more. Now onto the potluck! Who brought potato salad??? Anyone else still using CD’s? – Join us for free daily fitness tips and weekly workout giveaways! – order my award winning Pilates for Men dvd/download!