My web page, has just had a massive face-lift and is not offering digital downloads of my workout DVD’s! Now you can stream these workouts from anywhere in the world for much less money than a DVD.
The 5 you may choose from (or all!) are:
Pilates for Men
Starter Series
Motley Boot Camp and Tabata
Yoga for the Runner
Pylata Extreme Workouts
Disney Cast members sign-up NOW for my next eight-week session of Pilates classes at Walt Disney World! The session begins this Monday so hurry. I have taught over 2000 Yoga, Pilates, and Yogalates classes on Disney property the past 6 years and look forward to meeting YOU 🙂
Classes offered: Disney University 5:30 pm (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday) and Mickey’s Retreat 5:30 pm (Friday). These are for ALL fitness levels and shall rock your fitness world!
Sean Vigue