I’ve recently become OBSESSED with hitting practically every hiking trail within 20 miles of my house in the Colorado Rockies…and will continue to do so until the temperatures begin to drop in October. The summer is just too jaw dropping here to stay at home. Once arrived (usually with my dog, Addie) I hike or jog to a scenic spot that serves as a beautiful outdoor setting for whatever workouts I planned for the day and commence filming. It’s an incredibly inspiring and cathartic way to spend an afternoon. Afterword, I do some writing on my laptop while Addie snoozes in the shade. Norman Rockwell, anyone?
For the video below I ran (literally) up and down Evergreen Mountain in search of the most compelling backdrops which usually occur the higher one goes in elevation. The only problem: the chest and plank workout I filmed on Evergreen Mountain failed to upload. Drat! It was a real humdinger too, filmed on a slant overlooking the valley below. So, I went out the next day to my favorite meadow and reshot the video…only longer and more comprehensive this time. It’s like I received a second chance at filming and was not going to screw it up again. You’ll be the judge at how effective this workout is for your fitness schedule. One thing is for certain: it’s pretty intense and the background flowers are breathtaking 🙂
Are you a trail runner? What insights can you give me from your experience? Please comment on the actual YouTube video. Thanks!
All my best,
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