Travel to the gym (Nick’s Pro Fitness) with me for a full body workout using a combo of kettlebells, pull ups, bodyweight training, battle ropes, stability balls and more! Keep in mind that I have NEVER done the same workout twice. Never, and I’ve been “working out” since my junior year in high school (summer of 1991) although my form and choice of never taking rest days may have compromised my “gains”. When you’re 17 your body is very forgiving 🙂
If you’re every in the Denver area come to my Power Yoga/Pilates classes at Nick’s Pro Fitness every Tuesday and Thursday 8-9 am. We have a great time and definitely stretch, strengthen, balance and sweat over the course of the one hour classes. The choice of music is always classical.
Enjoy this real time workout and share my youtube channel with at least ONE friend! I appreciate it.
Do you own the athlete’s best friend? Click below to order my bestselling book, Power Yoga for Athletes and have it delivered right to your door this week!