It can be difficult to know which foods are the most beneficial to you and when and how often should you eat them. Here is a short and informative list of some dos and don’ts of eating. Try to eat at least 5 small meals a day and you will keep your metabolism burning all through the day. Wherever you go bring these healthy snacks along in a tupperware container and eat on the go!
In order to eat healthy, what foods should you always have in the house?
Eggs, yogurt, skim milk, veggies, your favorite lean proteins (such as fish, tofu and lean cuts of chicken and beef), brown rice, olive oil, herbs and spices.
What are some healthy on-the-go snacks to keep in your purse?
Nuts (especially almonds, which have mostly heart-healthy fats), raisins, dried fruits and rice cakes. Keep a list of your favorite healthy foods in your purse, too, so when you’re hungry and stop by the store, it is easy to make a smart food choice.
What foods should you avoid?
Fried food, soda, white bread, preservatives, bacon and mayonnaise. Also avoid adding extra sugar, salt or butter when you’re cooking. But at the same time, don’t be afraid to eat the things you really enjoy, as long as it is just a handful every now and then.
What happens if you mess up and eat more than just a handful……..say, a pint of ice cream?
Forgive yourself. It’s hard to go from eating anything and everything to eating totally healthy. Just move on and keep trying your best. Changing your lifestyle is a process, sometimes a lengthy one. The important thing is that you’re on your way.
Source: Good Housekeeping