Happy Valentine’s Day my friends! It’s not the most exciting or appropriate holiday and it actually kind of makes me queasy but I digress. Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Halloween are all way cooler but…this is a day for couples to strengthen their relationships. I believe that tending to your own health is a great way to build a stronger relationship with your Valentine and vice versa. It’s much easier to respect and love someone when they take care of themselves…especially for the long haul.
So I bring you my humble offering – The Valentines Day Workout from Sean Vigue!
Try these exercises alone or with your Valentine. Don’t have a Valentine? So what? Follow my workout programs and you will be beating them off with sticks, bats, and clubs all while using your gorgeous core muscles!
Have a great week and head over and “like” my Facebook page for daily fitness news, workouts, diets, and general pithiness – Sean Vigue Fitness Facebook
Watch for my brand new Yoga for Men Download coming soon to my Store.
“You can’t out-exercise a bad diet!”
See you in class!
Sean Vigue