My friends, welcome to the glorious month of April and here’s your official April Sean’s Vault workout schedule! What did you think of the March schedule? Keep me posted on your progress and if you have any suggestions. I can’t say yes to every suggestion but it really helps keep me tuned in to what you’re thinking and how I can create the most effective workouts just for YOU. Preorder my new book ON SALE today and get it June 1st! Need a boost to your nutrition? Get on the program I use. Ok, let’s get to the workout. It’s a two week split. Do the two weeks (and extra credit workouts if you like) and then repeat again to complete the entire month. Watch for all the new workouts added in to keep these workouts as fresh and challenging as ever!
Week one
Cardio Core Metabolism Booster – March 2015
Extra Credit Stretch Routine
“Happy New Year” Yoga for Strength and Flexibility – January 2015
30 Minute Intermediate Core Workout – March 2015
Extra Credit Post Workout Stretch
Rest Day. Enjoy a nice walk, bike ride, lawn work and read my latest Fit Bottomed Girls article about Yoga for Athletes!
Power Core Yoga Cardio Celebration – January 2015
Wildcard: “Brand New Person” Stretch Flow – March 2015
Active Rest Day.
“Butts and Guts” Cardio Core Workout – October 2014
Rethink your Yoga Workout – June 2014
Week 2
“Stand Tall” Core and Plank Workout – November 2013
New Extra Credit Stretch Routine
Fat Burning “Hot Summer Body” Workout – March 2014
Wildcard: “Warm Taffy” Total Stretch Routine – March 2014
Rest Day. Read and Share the 5 Yoga Poses you need to get started in your very own yoga practice
“Look Ma, No Hands” Total Yoga Flow: The Sequel – March 2015
Wildcard: Thanksgiving Freestyle Workout – November 2014
Extra Credit Core Finisher
Wildcard: Cardio Core Yoga and Tabata Madness – September 2014
Wildcard: “Brand New Person” Stretch Flow
Rest Day and get ready for week two! Good job. I’m so proud of all your hard work.
All my best,