Group Fitness brings fitness directly to the clients. It is like mainlining health right into the community. There is no paperwork. There are no committees. Nobody sits around and waits. The workout is in the present moment and the glorious results follow closely behind. While many people are spending a fortune on diets and exercise equipment they will never use us in group fitness are improving each other on all levels. Health is now. It is concentrated and the time always FLIES right by!
I taught several classes today and they were all packed and full of vitality and energy. Only group fitness can bring this kind of energy. It is like a rock concert but instead of getting blitzed and screaming your voice hoarse you are improving your health on every level. If you have an even better instructor the benefits continue and continue…
Want to attend one of my many classes? Shoot me an email.
Sean Vigue
“It’s been a long time since I rock and rolled,
It’s been a long time since I did the Stroll.
Ooh, let me get it back, let me get it back,
Let me get it back, baby, where I come from.”
~Rock and Roll by Led Zeppelin
One Response
Hi, Sean! I really like your videos and exercise routines! Thank you for sharing it! I also have a profesional question – what type of camera do you use ? Compare to other online instructors I see you don’t use special microphone, but quality of sound And video is great. I’m talking about videos from Pilates challenge and in the gym. I just got my Pilates instructor license and want to make short videos for my clients to explain the exercises but I have no idea what camera is the best investment consider the fact that I’m not going to make videos my business.