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Mr. Fitness in 2008!

January through the end of March was a CRAZY time for Mr. Fitness LLC! Over those 3 months I personally taught 216 group fitness classes

New Dance Experience Schedule

Actually the schedule is the same except there is no more Yogalates on Tuesday evening.The Dance Experience (321-939-3213) is located in downtown Celebration, Florida behind

2008 is off to a great start!

Numbers are way up in my classes so far this year! Once someone attends my class there is about a 94% chance that they will

Sean is back in Central Florida!

I flew back into Orlando today so my classes are back and better then ever for 2008! No 2 classes are ever the same and

Keep striving

“If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.” -Frank A. ClarkHappy Saturday!Sean Vigue

Guitar Hero!

Mr. Fitness is HOOKED on this game! Great for the brain and great cardio if you jump around like I do during a loud, rockin’

Joseph is the Man

Joseph Pilates was of course the founder of the most amazing exercise system known to man…the Pilates Method! There are Pilates classes that are set

My Yoga for Beginners bundle features 20 of my all-time favorite routines for beginners to help you build up a successful yoga practice.

All you need to get started… is YOU!

Lifetime access.

All the details.