I admit it. I’m a Disney “Walkaholic”! Living 5 minutes from Walt Disney World doesn’t hurt. In the past 7 years I have tread the magical grounds of the “Happiest Place on Earth” and seen and experienced much. How much? Seen what? Stepped in what?? Let me tell you. I study, pray, meditate, observe, listen to music, and, ultimately, saunter. Sauntering is still legal in Florida, thank you very much!! I ALWAYS Disney walk before teaching evening fitness classes. Let me break it down…
Study – I bring notecards with workouts written on them…usually different colors because that’s how they are sold. I’m a Freestyle instructor so EVERY class taught is fresh, surprising, and spontaneous. The notecards are great study aids.
Pray – After teaching over 4000 classes I pray for the strength to keep going and beyond. I also pray not to be run over by the motorized carts that inhabit our lives more and more these days. My opinion of riding instead of walking? Here it is!
Meditate – Depends on the music. I always walk right before teaching at least 2 live fitness classes. Disney surroundings are always fascinating so the thoughts just come and go like a gentle breeze on a Spring day in Ohio when the sun is…zzzzzzzz
Observe – Fun to watch the teaming masses that converge on these small parks. I’ll park it on NY Street at the Studios or Germany at Epcot and watch the endlessly entertaining parade float by. The toughest part is resisting the urge to stop some people and show them some simple stretches that would help them not to walk like that. But alas…that is frowned upon 🙁
Music – iPod is essential. So is singing. Trouble singing while you walk? Add this ditty to your life! If I was an 80’s Disney walker I would have a cassette deck (or eight track) with songs recorded from the radio (lots of 38 Special and Duran squared). The mixes are as diverse as my dad’s sunglass collection. FWI: my iPod is named “Maddie”. What is your’s called?
Sauntering – Could be the most important! Why walk when you can saunter? It also helps in dodging the magical carts I spoke of earlier. Good posture must always be the focus of a successful saunter.
My usual path, if you are the press and want to catch me to boost your ratings, I shall share. I start at the Boardwalk, do a couple Epcot loops, take the long journey to the Studios, and sit either on NY St. or the Muppet Grotto. The Grotto can be heavenly at times and it’s fun to watch the Muppet Show ride “vomit” people out the exit every 15 minutes. Sitting for 15 minutes is appropriate before beginning the long journey back to my car, drinking my special nutrition shake, and then off to help the world be fit and healthy. It’s a good life and for that I pray 🙂
Are you a Disney walker? Is there a special spot you always love to visit?
Sean Vigue
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2 Responses
I really enjoy the walk from Studios to EPCOT as well! With the added World Showcase lap. I think it’s fun to speed past the guest seeing this for the first time..seeing how fast I can walk that mile.
Yes! It is also a challenge to weave through the guests. How have you been Valerie?