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As I prepare to return to sunny central Florida tomorrow (and leave behind the cold of southwest Wisconsin) this song continues to ring in my


I celebrate myself, and sing myself…My respiration and inspiration, the beating of my heart,the passing of blood and air through my lungs.The sniff of green

Classes getting better and better!

I will be returning to Central Florida this weekend to resume my enormous teaching schedule. So I say bring on the Pilates! Bring on the

Practice Pilates and be a forward thinker.

“Athletes, actors, businessmen, and dancers all over the world have practiced Pilates for decades. Pilates people are forward thinkers who want to be at the

Health and Fitness goals for 2009!

As the new year approaches I am setting my sights on how to deliver the best possible classes and instruction to my many clients.Here are

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!

Merry Chrsitmas and Happy Holidays to everyone from West Salem, Wisconsin where my parents live. There is nothing like heaps of snow and ice cold

2008 coming to a glorious end!

The end of the year is fast approaching as we reflect on all the great and exciting things that occured in our lives. This has

My Yoga for Beginners bundle features 20 of my all-time favorite routines for beginners to help you build up a successful yoga practice.

All you need to get started… is YOU!

Lifetime access.

All the details.